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This academic document is to study Thai Performing Arts as the state of borderless arts to promote Thailand abroad. It represents the identity of the Thai nation and is a tool for cross-cultural communication, especially in the implementation of cultural diplomacy policies of Thailand. In 1900 during the Reign of King Chulalongkorn, there was a Thai dance troupe, named Bussamahin, under Mr. Bus’s management, to perform in Paris Exposition Universelle and exhibit in other European countries. Nowadays, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Thailand has implemented Thai Performing Arts as a tool to create an image of Thailand by organizing Thai festivals around the world. This case study conducted by online focus group discussion with the former Thai Ambassador in Chile as the Producer, the head of Thai cultural group as the Performer, and the manager of cultural event company as the Programmer resulted in the conclusion that Thai Performing Arts is significant tool for cross-cultural communication because of their beauty, brilliance, benignity and, more importantly, borderless to impress audiences in cross-cultural audiences. This study is useful to confirm that Thai Performing Arts can create a good memory and image of Thailand and, certainly, should be a soft power of Thailand.
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