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The aims of this study were to quantitively analyze the new normal tourism pattern in Ayutthaya province. The sample was 400 tourists traveling in Ayutthaya province. The tool used to collect data was a questionnaire. The statistics used to analyze the data were the frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and factor analysis.
The most popular tourist activity was to worship Luang Pho To at the Wat Phanan Choeng Worawihan. The reason for traveling to Ayutthaya province was for relaxation, for which tourists would normally use their own cars to travel on Saturday and Sunday. Tourists must wear masks at all times when they were at a tourist attraction. Every tourist attraction would provide alcohol gel service points in accordance with the Department of Disease Control directive. These measures for the new normal ensured that the various tourist attractions, establishments, and restaurants obeyed the Hygiene and Safety standards and received certification as an SHA, SHA Plus or SHA Extra Plus establishment. Moreover, the tourism pattern of new normal with DMHTTA measures could be divided into four tourism patterns: 1. Ayutthaya enabled you to taste delicious food; 2. Ayutthaya was a charming city of Dharma, a beautiful jewel, and a world heritage city; 3. it was worth exploring Ayutthaya because of its historical sites; and 4. you could relax in Ayutthaya and enjoy the culture of the old city. The eigenvalues for these four tourism patterns were 35.507, 3.680, 2.259, and 1.585, respectively. Moreover, the Cronbach’s Alpha coefficients for these four tourism patterns were 0.972, 0.973, 0.983, and 0.964, respectively.
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