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This qualitative research, “Strategy in Promoting the Wat Pho Massage Discipline (WPMD), post COVID-19 Era for Confidence and Safety in Health” is the third study in a research series of the same name. The objective was to synthesize the strategy for promoting the WPMD in the post COVID-19 era in order to build confidence in health safety. Content analysis was used to analyze the information obtained by five experts joining the focus group. The results from the analysis were synthesized with the results of research project 1: Study of the Satisfaction in the Quality of the Wat Pho Massage Discipline Services and those of research project 2: Study of the Guidelines for the Development of a Role Model Instructor, Wat Pho Massage Discipline, Post COVID-19 Era. Since “Thai massage - Nuad Thai” had been inscribed on UNESCO’s Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2019, the research series were conducted with the purpose to develop and maintain the status of world heritage. Six strategies were synthesized: Strategy No. 1: Development of the curriculum of the WPMD and providing teaching and learning to achieve six learning outcomes. Strategy No. 2: Development of traditional Thai massage that had been integrated with the new normal life concept. Strategy No. 3: Extensive recruitment and selecting of fully qualified youth into the WPMD curriculum beginning from the academic year B.E. 2566 (2023). Strategy No. 4: Funding support in studying the WPMD from the community, by the community, to the community and internationally. Strategy No. 5: Define the criteria for the quality evaluation of WPMD masseuses for quality assurance. Strategy No. 6: Conduct institutional research and research on the service provided under the WPMD.
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