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Public administration is the process of administering the activities of the state so that public activities are carried out under the objectives of the state. This will focus on effectively evaluating public policy structures’ command and control. It is a public affair that goes hand in hand with the community. It has been established and implemented for the common good. Conveys public administration, a joint activity of all people or stakeholders of the social ownership or citizenship for the benefit of the public administration, is a science to learn and use art. There are strategies to be implemented to create a consistent balance. Implementing the policy is the administration in the public sector by integrating knowledge from many disciplines for administration. It may be called interdisciplinary social sciences or applied social sciences. In addition, a new approach to public administration or a new approach to government management emphasizes fairness in social acceptance of values, and change seeks the better in flexible ways. Emphasis is placed on applying concepts and practices of business management to government organizations. It was also found that the new governmental management is an essential approach to reforming the current Thai bureaucracy. This has resulted in the Thai bureaucracies towards genuinely sustainable development.
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