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The objectives of this research article are 1) to study and gather knowledge on the wisdom of rice harvesting song in Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya province and 2) to propose a contemporary method for the inheritance and conservation of the Ayutthaya rice harvesting song. This research is a qualitative research that the tools used for data collection were interviews, questionnaires, group discussion, observation and rice harvesting song singing exercise from the sample group consisted of artists, village scholars and students. The data analysis was done with content analysis.
The results showed that the gathering of knowledge on rice harvesting song in Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya province and the creation of a lesson or knowledge disseminated to
sub-target groups were able to develop knowledge and abilities, cultivate conscience, motivate, create love and unity in the community. The building of network to inherit Ayutthaya rice harvesting from one institution to another, with any institution serving as the center for dissemination and access to resources for learning must be integrated with all sectors. The management of the learning center and the contemporary method of inheritance and conservation of the Ayutthaya rice harvesting song can be proceeded through the guidelines as follows: 1) Inheriting from the elderly in the family; 2) Inheriting from the local scholars; 3) Teaching from teachers and lecturers to students and graduates; 4) Encouragement of activities through the integration with all sectors in the management of learning centers to promote the method of inheritance, succession and conservation of contemporary boat music. There may be further development, inheritance, succession and conservation of rice harvesting song according to the royal initiatives of the Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn in various formats.
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