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Wasana Malinin
Naputr Grewnak


               The objectives of this study are 1) to study the success factors of the administration of the Child and Youth Council and 2) to analyze the characteristics and synthesize the social network system, strengthen the Council of Children and Youth in Thai society. This research deployed a combined study method that the sample consisted of 480 people. The research instruments were 1) questionnaires, 2) in-depth interviews and 3) small group discussion. Statistical data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean and qualitative data analyzed using analytical techniques. Triangulation Technic (3-wire confirmation) and 6 'C. Technic Analysis.

The research results revealed that

                 1. The success factors for the administration of the Child and Youth Council are: 1.1) Strong leadership of the Child and Youth Council, 1.2) Strong Child and Youth Council Administration, 1.3) The Child and Youth Council’s constructive support from network partners and related agencies; and 1.4) the Executive Committee of the Child and Youth Council was developed systematically both in theory and in practice based on their roles and responsibilities by initiating thinking, implementing and receiving support.

                  2. The characteristics of social network parties to support the Council for Children and Youth are: 2.1) Social network parties have a system, organizational structure and good management; 2.2) Social network parties have database system for children and youth in the area to work with the Child and Youth Council; 2.3) Social network parties have working groups that are available to support Child and Uouth Council activities; 2.4) Social network parties recognize value and important of the Council of Children and Youth and 2.5) social network parties have knowledge management to support activities of the Child and Youth Council

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How to Cite
Malinin, W., & Grewnak , N. (2020). THE SOCIAL NETWORKS TO STRENGTH OF CHILD & YOUTH COUNCIL OF THAI SOCIAL. Journal of Liberal Art of Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnabhumi, 2(2), 415–428. retrieved from
Research Articles


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