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Phrakhru Warasartphradit
Phra Thanakorn Khttutataro
Sukda Homhaun


       The objectives of this research are, to make database of Community tourist attraction and to surway Community tourist attraction information for geographic information management of tourist attraction in Uttaradit province in order to disseminate Community touris attraction in Uttardit province by applying System GIS. Geographic Information System GIS and Global Positioning: GPS.

         The findings were as follows: The surway in a detracts indicated that of Community tourist attraction prioritier in each district arrered form the possibility of Community tourist attraction development are is follows 1. Muang Uttaradit Commcerity Tourist Attraction. 2. Lablae Commcerity tourist Attraction 3. Phichai Commcrity Tourist Attraction. 4. Tron Commcrity Tourist Attaction. 5. Nam pcad Commcerity Touist Attaction. 6. Thapla Commcerity Tourist Attaction. 7. Taak the Commcerity Tourist Attaction. 8. Baen hekok Commcerity Tourist Attaction and 9. Thapla hekrk Commcerity Tourist Attaction the main activities o tourist Attraetion are 1. Offor offor arec pruy ot the Budlie ane wrtch Commcerity Cultne 2. Watch Commcerity peopleis ways of life iopcich ace eiltererncey by theic geographical arcs of livery the management of to suit attraction is done by bakery promotion and stimulation making impression mad good image of Community tourist attraction including improving tourist attraction and making good public relation for the development of Neb Map Services to aiseminate geographic impanation system in Uttaradit province for each Community tourist attraction the Web site URL is which divide into 2 main websites consist of Web interface and Database Backend the web site structures have 5 main menue i.e Community tourist attraction in first page roads searching information in geographic information system for Community tourist attraction in 9 dissects of Uttaradit province.

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How to Cite
Phrakhru Warasartphradit, Phra Thanakorn Khttutataro, & Sukda Homhaun. (2019). GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT REGARDING TO TOURIST ATTRACTION MANAGEMENT IN UTTARADIT PROVINCE. Journal of Liberal Art of Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnabhumi, 1(3), 267–282. retrieved from
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