A Study of the Relationship between Parents' Self-Efficacy and the Self-Esteem of School-Age Children with the Risk of Learning Disabilities
Parents' Self-Efficacy, Self-Esteem, School-Age Children with the Risk of Learning Disabilities, Parenting Practices, Learning DisabilitiesAbstract
Besides learning difficulties, one of the major challenges for children with learning disabilities (LDs) is self–esteem. Previous research studied the impacts of parenting programs on parents’ abilities to help their children with LDs; however, the parenting programs emphasized promoting parents’ knowledge and skills in caring for children with LDs. The parenting program for promoting parents’ attitudes in raising children with LDs is limited. Previous research also found that a high level of parents’ self-efficacy in raising children was positively associated with high levels of children’s self–esteem. Yet, it was found that there was no self-efficacy assessment for parents of children with LDs. Therefore, this research aimed to develop a self–efficacy assessment for parents of children with LDs and to examine the correlations between parents’ self–efficacy and children’s self–esteem. The sample was 27 parents, each with a child having a medical record at the school-age clinic at the National Institute for Child and Family Development at Mahidol University. The research tools included a self–efficacy assessment form for parents of children with LDs, developed by the researchers using a systematic literature review and evaluated for content validity by 3 experts (CVI = 1), and a self-esteem inventory for 4th-6th grade students. Research results from Spearman correlation analysis found a moderate positive correlation (r=0.56, p = 0.002) between parents’ self-efficacy and children’s self-esteem; especially, the parent’s self-efficacy in positive parenting and communication, academic assistance, and coping skills to promote children's self-esteem. By providing parents with the necessary tools and resources to support both themselves and their children effectively, their self-efficacy can be enhanced, resulting in positive long-term outcomes for school-age children with LDs.
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