Research and Development on Online Lessons in Geography Using Learning Management System for Students with Hearing Impairment in High School
Students with hearing impairment, Online Lessons, Learning Management SystemAbstract
The objective of this study was to research and develop online lessons in geography under the social studies, religion and culture subject area for students with hearing impairment at high school level using a learning management system. This study used research and development methods. The sample groups were 9 experts (3 educational technology experts, 3 content experts, and 3 Thai sign language experts).; 30 online learning informants (15 teachers of students with hearing impairment, and 15 students with hearing impairment).; 37students with hearing impairment for online lessons trial. Methods included 1) developed and quality checked of online lessons; 2) developed and quality checked of pre-post tests; 3) online lesson trial. The pre-post test scores were compared. Students’ feedbacks were also collected. The results were as follows: 1) online lessons consisted of documents, sign language videos with closed captions, pre-post tests, exercises, glossaries, and user manual. 2) results of the online lesson quality assessment by the educational technology and Thai sign language experts were at good level, while the contents experts were at fair level. 3) results of the online lesson quality assessment by students indicated that the post-test scores differed significantly at 0.01 level.
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