Use of Video modeling to promote learning skills in children with autism spectrum disorder: A Literature Review
Video Modeling, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Special EducationAbstract
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is one of neurodevelopmental disorders that lead to impairments in social communication, behavior, and learning abilities. Nowadays, there are various kinds of interventions to support children with ASD. One of the effective interventions is video modeling. The purpose of this study was to synthesize the research studies on video modeling to promote learning skills in children with ASD. 12 research articles from online databases published during 2010 – 2020 were selected and analyzed by using content analysis. Results revealed that there were 36 boys and 6 girls with ASD selected as participants in the study. Single-case research using multiple baseline design is the most frequently used for the research design. The targets of learning skills studied in the research article were social skills, communication skills, play skills, and self-care skills. There were four types of video modeling used as the interventions, including 1) basic video modeling 2) video self-modeling, 3) point of view video modeling, and 4) video prompting. In terms of assessment tools and data analysis, most of the research used observation form to collect the data and used descriptive statistics to analyze the data. Most of the research conducted the baseline session in the classroom and conducted the Intervention session in the private room and other settings, video modeling presented in the invention room and then collect data in other settings, including canteen, art room, and music room.
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