The Developmental Package for Promoting Development of Children with Intellectual Disabilities in Early Stage


  • Donnaya Inchampa Facuty of Education Suan Dusit University


Early Stage, Package for Promoting Development, Children with Intellectual Disabilities in Early Stage


     This research has the following objectives 1) to develop a developmental promotion kit for children with intellectual disabilities in the early stage. 2) to find out the effectiveness of the developmental promotion kit for children with intellectual disabilities in the early stage. The sample consisted of 5 children with intellectual disabilities aged 2-5 years, selected by purposive sampling. Tools used in this research were a manual for the development of children with intellectual disabilities in the early stage. Plan for organizing activities to promote development of children with intellectual disabilities in the early stage, media to promote the development of children with intellectual disabilities in the early stage, and the speech ability assessment form of children with intellectual disabilities in the early stage.The experiment took 6 weeks, with 20 minutes of weeks each 5 days of the week. Data was analyzed using stastistics, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The results revealed that 1) The development promotion kit for children with intellectual disabilities in the early stage at the beginning is suitable at a very good level, can be used practically. 2) The developmental package for children with intellectual disabilities in the early stage is found effective according to the criteria 70/70 to the scores during the development of speech development skills of children with intellectual disabilities in the early stage was with an average score of 75.95 percent. The scores after the development of speech development skills of children with intellectual disabilities in the early stage by using the development kits for children with intellectual disabilities in the early stage was with an average score of 79.76 percent which is higher than set benchmark.


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How to Cite

Inchampa, D. . (2020). The Developmental Package for Promoting Development of Children with Intellectual Disabilities in Early Stage. Journal Of Ratchasuda Institute for Research and Development of Persons With Disabilities, 16(2), 36–50. retrieved from