Appropriate Types of Job and Career for Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder


  • Unchalee Sanrattana Curriculum and Instruction for Special Education, Khon Kaen University.


Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Appropriate Types of Job and Career for Autism Spectrum Disorder, Employment Strategy for Autism Spectrum Disorder


            Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has abnormal developments of communication skill,  Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has abnormal developments of communication skill, social skill and behavioral characteristics. The increasing prevalence of ASD needs to be addressed. Services and supports are needed to help them achieve employment success. Adults with ASD have the ability and desire to work, especially in ASD with high function. Moreover, ASD employment has a significant cost impact on the economy. This paper aim to review evidence based researches related to employment for adults with ASD and illustrates characteristics of ASD, state of employment, appropriate types of job and career for ASD, and strategies for success. For the state of employment, we found that adults with ASD are unemployed more than employed. ASD often have a better long-term memory than most normal people; therefore suitable jobs for them should depend on using long-term memory rather than short-term memory and have visual thinking assignments. Strategies for success of employment include 1) job placement 2) supervisors and co-workers or job coaches 3) on-the-job training 4) work place modification and 5) long-term and continuous support.


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How to Cite

Sanrattana, U. (2019). Appropriate Types of Job and Career for Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal Of Ratchasuda Institute for Research and Development of Persons With Disabilities, 15(1). retrieved from