The Board's Role in Community Development Funds of BAN Ao-Udom, Sriracha District, Chonburi Province.

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Kan Srivipasathit
Sivalai Jongjeeraphat
Yada Naphaarrak


The purposes of this research are; 1) to study understanding’s process of the board's role in community development funds of BAN Ao-Udom, Siracha District, Chonburi Province in topic of helping people; and 2) to study the board's role in community development funds of  BAN Ao-Udom, Si Racha District, Chonburi Province.        The researcher study of the board's role in community development funds of  BAN Ao-Udom, Si Racha District, Chonburi Province which content involving six sections; that are leadership in community development, troubleshooting, offering project plans, participation of supporting, promoting tradition and making community unity. The sample group consists of 400 people; with using Simple Random Sampling; who living in BAN Ao-Udom, Si Racha District, Chonburi Province. The instrument uses questionnaire for collecting data and statistics includes percentage, mean, Standard Deviation, t-test and F-test. The result indicates as follow;

  1. Personal factor of respondents finds the most of them are male of 238 people (59.0%) and female of 162 people (40.5%); they are 36-45 years old of 123 people(30.8%), follow by 46-55 years old of 92 people (23.0%), 25-35 years old of 85 people (21.2%) and aged lower than 25 years old of 58 people (14.5%) and age over 56 years old of 42 people (10.5%). They graduated high vocational certificate /diploma of 149 people (37.2%), follow by high school/ vocational certificate of 138 people (37.2%), bachelor degree of 89 people (22.2%) and graduated higher than bachelor degree of 24 people (6.0%); their salary lower than 10,000 BAHT of 171 people (42.2%), follow by salary 10,001 – 20,000 BAHT of 169 people (42.2%), 20,001- 30,000 BAHT of 51 people (12.8%) and over 30,000 BAHT of 9 people (2.2%).

  2. Overview of the board's role in community development funds of BAN Ao-Udom, Si Racha District, Chonburi Province is high of ( = 3.92, SD=0.65); when considering each aspect finds all in high; that are offering project plans ( = 3.94, SD=0.62), follow by making community unity ( = 3.93, SD=0.66) and the lowest of leadership in community development ( = 3.90, SD=0.82), respectively.

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How to Cite
Srivipasathit, K. ., Jongjeeraphat, S., & Naphaarrak, Y. (2024). The Board’s Role in Community Development Funds of BAN Ao-Udom, Sriracha District, Chonburi Province. Journal of MCU Phetchaburi Review, 7(2), 44–53. retrieved from
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