Liberal Cannabis Policy Implementation in Bangkok Metropolitan
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The research objectives were: (1) to study the problems and obstacles the liberal cannabis policy implementation in Bangkok Metropolitan, (2) to study the factors affecting the success of the liberal cannabis policy implementation in Bangkok Metropolitan, and (3) to study the recommendations for liberal cannabis policy implementation in Bangkok Metropolitan. The research was qualitative. The key informants in the research included executives and personnel of government organizations, executives and civil society personnel and the general public, totaling 25 people, by the purposive selection. The research tool was a semi-structured interview form. The data analyzed by summarizing the research findings according to the specified research objectives.
The results found that (1) the problems and obstacles of the liberal cannabis policy implementation in Bangkok Metropolitan was found that the policy was unclear, lacking laws and control measures, lacking of listening to the voices of the people and those involved. Policy implementation was not in the same direction and society has inconsistented opinions on the policy, (2) the factors affecting the success of the liberal cannabis policy implementation in Bangkok Metropolitan included the clarity of the policy agencies that implement policies, practitioner's attitude economic, social and political conditions, target groups/people and public relations, and (3) the recommendations for liberal cannabis policy implementation in Bangkok Metropolitan. It was found that policies and measures should be clearly defined. Relevant agencies must seriously implement the policy, especially controlling the misuse of marijuana, promoting accurate information and knowledge regarding marijuana policy and use, listening to the opinions of all sectors in society more and continuously evaluate and monitor the situation
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