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This research aims to: 1. develop and study the efficiency of the electronic book on basketball, 2. compare learning achievements of students before and after school with electronic books on basketball, 3. study basketball skills of students after school with a basketball electronic book with the number of students not less than 70 percent scores better and 4. study their satisfaction towards electronic book on basketball Mattayomsuksa 2 Students Patumwan Demonstration School. The samples were 200 students of Mattayomsuksa 2 Students Patumwan Demonstration School, academic year 2023 chosen by simple random sampling method. Classroom was used as a unit of random sampling. Research tools were: 1. Electronic book on basketball Mattayomsuksa 2 Students Patumwan Demonstration School, 2. quality assessment form, 3. pre-test and post-test, and 4. student satisfaction assessment form on the use of the electronic book titled basketball Mattayomsuksa 2 Students Patumwan Demonstration School. The findings revealed that
- Results of developing and studying the efficiency of an electronic book on basketball for Mattayomsuksa 2 Students Patumwan Demonstration School, the quality was at a high level and effective according to the 80/80 criterion.
- The student's learning achievements after learning with electronic books on the subject of basketball for Mattayomsuksa 2 Students Patumwan Demonstration School are higher than before school with statistically significant at the .05 level.
- 70% of students have better skills after studying with electronic books on basketball for Mattayomsuksa 2 Students Patumwan Demonstration School.
- Overall students had the level of satisfaction with learning with the electronic book on basketball for Mattayomsuksa 2 Students Patumwan Demonstration School in the high level.
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