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The purposes of this research were 1) to study the distribution of products and products from wisdom, 2) to create marketing channels for distributing products and products, and 3) to develop Buddhist marketing strategies of the Ratchaburi family's livelihood group. It is research and development (R&D), including documentary research. by researching documents qualitative research Interviews with 15 key informants, 10 focus groups and 50 action research were used. Buddhist marketing innovations of the Teen Jok Sarongs of the Ratchaburi Family. The Buddhist marketing strategy of the Ratchaburi family's livelihood sarong is to create a sustainable market for selling products. Use public relations systems in a variety of successively Creating a selling point, handcrafting, creating an interesting identity organizing exhibitions at various locations Including the establishment of Teen Jok skirt housewives within the community. The group has created 5 approaches, namely 1) increasing the number of patterns on the fabric, 2) reducing the number of patterns on the fabric, 3) developing the woven foot Jok fabric into new patterns, 4) using natural dyed yarn raw materials, and 5) creating a badge in order to add value to the product However, the Chok pattern of the Ku Bua family It is a famous fabric and is a product that is accepted by children all over the country. The group then applied the marketing principle "4Ps", namely, product. Producing products that meet the interests and needs of buyers that presents the history of weaving that particular piece of fabric based on recognized areas such as Chok pattern fabric from the Ku Bua family. In terms of price, the price is set to be varied in accordance with the purchasing power of interested people, such as discounts, exchanges, giveaways, and distribution. Bringing products to the booth for sale, such as the annual event of Wat Luang Por Sod Thammakayaram. Ratchaburi Province Buddhist Promotion Week at Wat Mahathat Worawihan Phetchaburi Province and sales promotion Having the presenters wear various clothes and publicizing them through online media such as Pha Sin Teen Jok page, Ratchaburi.
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