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This research aims to 1) study the production of cultural heritage products, 2) design cultural heritage souvenirs, and 3) develop Buddhist creative products. It is research and development (R&D), including documentary research. Use Document Research qualitative research Interviews with 15 key informants, 10 focus group discussions and 50 action research were used. Creative products of the Buddhist way of life of the Teen Jok Sarong of the Ratchaburi family. Teen Jok Sarong Livelihood Group, Ratchaburi family has developed colors, patterns, product applications can be developed to create or develop into other products and public relations with the cooperation of members to create more colors, patterns and designs Create a system for creating a dress pattern that is a learning model. Or showing the villagers or various agencies to dress up in the Teen Jok cloth one day a month for foreigners or people from other provinces saw the unique costumes of the Thai-Yuan people of Ratchaburi application of a variety of products in line with the events held The design is fashionable clothing. Or according to various festivals, processing according to products that are of interest to consumer groups Existing effects can be applied to various devices. in order to reach customer groups or those who are interested to apply to work that is different according to the nature of work, such as ordination, weddings, housewarming Design patterns to match the atmosphere. And the interest of the participants is the making of bags, Talapat, souvenirs, water flasks, table covers, chair covers. food wrapping material Researchers and participants can work together to design 2 patterns: 1) Human pattern and 2) Fish pattern. The development of creative woven woven fabric products and packaging of the Thai-Yuan Ratchaburi National Group. There are 5 approaches to prototype product development: 1) increasing the number of patterns on the fabric, 2) reducing the number of patterns on the fabric, 3) developing the woven foot jok fabric to have new patterns, 4) using natural dyed yarn raw materials, and 5) In this regard, the guidelines for creating added value are 5 aspects, namely 1) group leadership, 2) product design, 3) wisdom transfer, 4) promotion by government agencies, and 5) product distribution. Teen Jok Sarong Livelihood Group, Ratchaburi family Create, produce, and develop styles to be accepted in society according to the era. to be consistent with every festival by groups interested in consuming products that are unique and has a profitable long-term value By presenting Teen Jok Sarong products to the international stage There is a market to support the distribution of cloth by the community. and provinces that promote local products Because products obtained from weaving with Teen Jok fabric have their own value. may create a market for the Teen Chok Ratchaburi fabric market in the future
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