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The objectives of this research were 1) to study the history of the Tai-Yuan ethnic group, 2) to analyze the development of the Tin Jok cultural heritage of the Ratchaburi family, and 3) to prepare a historical and development database. It is a qualitative research, including documentary research. by researching documents qualitative research Interviews with 15 key informants and focus group discussions with 10 people were used. The results were as follows: 1. History of Tai-Yuan ethnic group Ratchaburi Province is divided into 3 periods: 1) Thai-Yuan people of the Chiang Saen era 2) Thai-Yuan people of Ratchaburi Has settled on the right bank of the Mae Klong River and 3) various groups of Tai-Yuan people in Ratchaburi today Use the land for farming and building houses. 2. The development of cultural heritage includes 1) Bai Sheng tradition, 2) Khuang tradition, and 3) Boon Klang Ban tradition. Folk games include 1) Joy 2) Tor Kai 3) Phi Or or Phi Kala 4) Phi Sum and 5) Phi Makwak. The beliefs of every Tai-Yuan household. Still respecting the ancestors and dress Tai Yuan people wear cotton sarongs woven with a hand-woven loom and 3. The historical and development database is divided into 3 periods: 1) the original Tai-Yuan ethnic group in the Chiang Saen, Lanna, and Lan Xang periods; 2) the Thai-Yuan ethnic group in Ratchaburi; and 3. ) various Tai-Yuan ethnic groups in Ratchaburi today The large group is in the area of Khu Bua sub-district. There are 9 patterns for Teen Jok fabric: 1) Xia flower pattern 2) Flap pattern 3) Pillow front pattern 4) Flap pattern 5) Flap pattern 6) Xia pattern 7) Flap overlap Hak pattern 8) Hak pattern Pair of birds and9) Khae Sai pattern.
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