Authentic assessment in the digital age.

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Sira Prasertsak
Arunkamol Juntaros
Kanchana Boonsong
Nipa Petsom


This article aims to disseminate the principles of actual learning measurement and evaluation in the digital age by realistic assessment and teaching and learning methods in the digital age. It is a form of assessment for students to know and understand changes in the digital age. through knowing and understanding digital skills Currently, there is a form of teaching and learning that facilitates and supports students. and enables teachers to manage learning activities and deliver subject matter. through information technology and multimedia systems Although there are popular methods that can increase learning efficiency such as E-Mail, Chat, Social Network, evaluating teaching and learning in the digital age according to real conditions. There is also a need for proper management according to the principles of academic evaluation. to enhance the ability of the learners Therefore, learning assessment should use a variety of assessment methods and gather a variety of data to reflect expected behavior in learners. Authentic assessment tools, such as Google Classroom, Plickers, Socrative etc., are tools to help measure and evaluate learning in a realistic way in the digital age. that can be assessed and provide guidelines for learners to develop themselves Assessments help learners understand their learning objectives. and learning outcome criteria that leads to the achievement of the students themselves.

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How to Cite
Prasertsak, S., Juntaros, A., Boonsong, K., & Petsom, N. (2023). Authentic assessment in the digital age. Journal of MCU Phetchaburi Review, 6(2), หน้า 83 – 99. retrieved from
Academic Article


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