THE DEVELOPMENT AND PROMOTION OF POLITICAL AND GOVERNANCE AWARENCESS IN DEMOCRACY FOR YOUTHS IN LOP BURI PROVINCE การส่งเสริมการปลูกฝังจิตสำนึกการเมืองการปกครอง ในระบอบประชาธิปไตยแก่เยาวชนจังหวัดลพบุรี

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chokchai sriraksa
Watchrin Chansin
Apinyar Chatchorfa


This current study aimed to 1) discover the general context, problems, and obstacles, 2) determine the factors influencing the promotion of political and governance awareness in democracy, and 3) present guidance for the development and promotion of political and governance awareness in democracy for youths in Lop Buri province based on the principles of Saraniyadhamma VI (the virtues for fraternal living).
This study is mixed-methods research: qualitative research collected data from 18 key informants or people through in-depth interviews and descriptive content analysis, and quantitative research collected data with a questionnaire from a sample of 390 people.
The findings showed:
1. The general context, problems, and obstacles: 1) Strengths - demonstrating democracy through activities in educational institutions; 2) Weaknesses – the teachers still lacked knowledge, experience, and transfer techniques about politics and government in a democratic system; 3) Opportunities - implementing policies in schools to promote political and governance awareness through various projects in all classes of the school; 4) Threats - youths were in their adolescence, had their own ideas.

2. The factors influencing the promotion of political and governance awareness in democracy for youths in Lop Buri province. In addition, the factors of political socialization that required to be emphasized and developed consisted of three aspects: groups of friends, family institution and political institution, and the factors of Saraniyadhamma VI in four aspects: Sadharanabhogita, Ditthisamabbata, Silasamabbata, and Mettakayakamma.
3. The guidance for the development and promotion of political and governance awareness in democracy for youths in Lop Buri province was based on the application of Saraniyadhamma VI: 1) Mettakayakamma - helping each other, treating each other with kindness, and not discriminating against each other for equality, 2) Mettavacikamma - advising friends in good things, 3) Mettamanokamma -participating in the development of educational institutions through various activities, 4) Sadharanabhogita - cultivating awareness by knowing how to share and be generous to others, 5) Silasamabbata - cultivating students to behave in accordance with school disciplines, and 6) Ditthisamabbata - expressing opinions together with democratic principles.
Keywords: promotion of political and governance awareness in democracy, Saraniyadhamma VI, youths in lop buri province

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How to Cite
sriraksa, chokchai, Chansin, W., & Chatchorfa, A. (2023). THE DEVELOPMENT AND PROMOTION OF POLITICAL AND GOVERNANCE AWARENCESS IN DEMOCRACY FOR YOUTHS IN LOP BURI PROVINCE : การส่งเสริมการปลูกฝังจิตสำนึกการเมืองการปกครอง ในระบอบประชาธิปไตยแก่เยาวชนจังหวัดลพบุรี. Journal of MCU Phetchaburi Review, 6(1), หน้า 231 – 245. retrieved from
Research Articles



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