Organizational behavior according to Buddhist principles

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phanompon mekphat
Boontuan Sapphet
Phrakhru Sujitphatnaphithan


Organizational behavior (Organizational behavior) is the aggregation of individuals. individual group behavior which we cannot separate the individual from the organization Organizational behavior management must first understand human behavior in the organization. It will help executives to understand. and can predict the behavior of oneself and that of others in the organization as well as being able to control various fundamental factors about perceived values, attitudes, motivation, morale and job satisfaction and working as a team to use group energy for the benefit of the organization in order to achieve desirable behavior and lead to increased efficiency in the organization

Management of organizational behavior according to Buddhist principles is Processes or approaches that cause appropriateness in human behavior that focuses on physical and mental exercises. Causes love and unity, which is the basis of living together, allowing personnel to participate together, organize, diagnose, order or solve problems. which requires facts and logic These behaviors create consciousness among personnel in the organization, namely self-occupying, people-dominating, creating knowledge and understanding without prejudice to colleagues. perform their duties properly and fairly

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How to Cite
mekphat, phanompon, Sapphet, B., & Phrakhru Sujitphatnaphithan. (2023). Organizational behavior according to Buddhist principles. Journal of MCU Phetchaburi Review, 6(1), หน้า 292 – 302. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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