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Sasipa Kaewnoo
Siriwat Srikhruedong
Man Suesungnoen


This article aims to study the concept of the law of karma and the consequences of acting according to the law of karma whether it is fair as taught or not by studying the principles right view according to the teachings of the Buddha. The findings revealed that (1) The law of karma has a principle of karma stating that doing good deeds will result in good results and  do bad things gets bad results. This statement will always be true. It will affect slowly or quickly depending on the time and action in the present to promote and support (2) the importance of the law of karma, as a distinguisher of all animals, humans are different from other animals because the karma did in the past results in the present and made the idea that should perform good karma (3) The complexity of the fruiting of karma. It should not be hastily concluded that the doctrine is incorrect then brought to cut to not do good turning back to doing evil which is dangerous to life (4) unbelieve in the law of karma will inevitably get more harm than good. So even without religious beliefs or no belief in the law of karma, at least there should be a principle to consider in order to live a correct life according to the principles that the Lord Buddha has recommended. will make life in the present happily or even more so if already dead If there is the next world, then it will be safe, that is, believe it or not. to do good deeds as a refuge

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How to Cite
Kaewnoo, S., Srikhruedong, S., & Suesungnoen, M. (2023). LAW OF KARMA : IS IT JUSTIFIED ?. Journal of MCU Phetchaburi Review, 6(1), หน้า 153 – 160. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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