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Phramahaprawet Panyadheepo
PhrasamuChatsuk Prichano
Umnart Sakhet
Thiyaphan Wongsa


Today's world is surrounded by many large and small organizations. Human life is closely related to and cooperates with organizations We must keep in touch with the organization from birth to death and from morning to night. Organizations will have a great impact on human life, including public and private organizations. We wake up and take a bath. We use the services of the Metropolitan Water Authority. We use clothes produced by private companies. Take the bus of Bangkok Public Transport Authority (BMTA) to work, and use the roads built by Thailand Highway Authority. Human life is closely connected with the organization, and we have been directly or indirectly connected with the organization. The organization will have a significant impact on human life. It is interesting to understand the organization and how it works. Especially in government organizations that have a wide impact on the public. Therefore, the management adheres to and takes it as the guiding principle of organization management. There are four things in total: Ali Asaji 4, Sablidam 7, Itibat 4, Sanhavatu 4, etc.

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How to Cite
Panyadheepo, P., Prichano, P., Sakhet, U., & Wongsa, T. (2023). BUDDHIST ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT. Journal of MCU Phetchaburi Review, 6(1), หน้า 141 – 152. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JPR/article/view/266805
Academic Article


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