The Dynamic Capabilities of Small-Business Operators

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Piyawongwathana Piyawongwathana1
rakkait hongthong
Ankinun Pawana


This research investigates how small-business operators adapt to the brittle changing environment .  The objectives of the study are to:  (1) determine the level of dynamic capabilities of small-business operators,  and (2) identify the dynamic capabilities of the superior performance operators.

The study employs  qualitative and quantitative techniques.  A questionnaire, pretested for its reliability and content validity, was sent to 385 business operators in the Phetchaburi city municipality.  There were 300 responses for a response rate of 78 %.The statistical analysis of the data provides frequency, percentage, means, standard deviation, and case study.

The results show a high level of dynamic capabilities. Successful operators adhere to the principles of dynamic capabilities pattern.


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How to Cite
Piyawongwathana1, . P., hongthong, rakkait, & Pawana , . A. . (2023). The Dynamic Capabilities of Small-Business Operators. Journal of MCU Phetchaburi Review, 6(1), หน้า 47 – 64. retrieved from
Research Articles


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