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The objectives of this research are 1) to study the general condition, problems and obstacles of democracy in Phetchaburi Province; 2) to study the factors affecting the development of local politics in the democratic system of Phetchaburi Province; 3) to present the integration Buddhist principles for the development of local politics in the democratic regime of Phetchaburi Province Research is an integrated approach. between qualitative and quantitative research The qualitative research tool used was an in-depth interview form. By interviewing 22 key informants or people and a group discussion of 10 experts or people using descriptive content analysis techniques. As for the quantitative research, the instrument was a questionnaire, which had a confidence value of 0.987. In collecting data, the researcher personally collected the data with the sample group. 400 voters in Phetchaburi Province were obtained from a simple random sampling. Analyze the data using The statistical package program was frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation. and multiple regression analysis
The results showed that
- General conditions and problems and obstacles in the development of local democracy in Phetchaburi Province consist of the dimensions of local government institutions; The local government organization of Phetchaburi province has autonomy. Open to the public to participate in local administration, transparency and accountability. and responsible to the people who hold sovereignty moderate (= 3.40) participatory process dimension People directly and indirectly participate in local development planning. People take part in local administration. through the election of local executives and can check the work of local administrators through the perception of information and complaints It was at a moderate level (= 3.40). The local people have faith and confidence in the power of the people. because the people are the owners of sovereignty Local administrators attach great importance to serving the people. At a moderate level ( = 3.39). The main obstacle to the development of local democracy in Phetchaburi province is the patronage system that benefits groups of people who are close to local leaders or local political influencers.
- Factors affecting the development of local democracy in Phetchaburi Province found that (1) having a legal system or a constitution affecting the development of local politics in a democratic system (F = 0.25, sig = 0.00) (2) culture Democratic politics affects the development of local politics in a democratic system (F = 2.86, sig = 0.00) (3) Economic and social development affects the development of local politics in a democratic system (F = 6.33, sig = 0.00 ) (4) the level of education of the local people affects the development of local politics in a democratic system (F = 6.91, sig = 0.00) and (5) the characteristics of the local people affect the development of local politics in a democratic system. (F = 14.23, sig = 0.00)
- Integration of Buddhist principles for the development of local cities in the democratic regime of Phetchaburi Province according to Sappurisdhamma By integrating with the development of local democracy, consisting of: 1. Dhammayuta: Promote morality, ethics and respect the laws of the country. At a high level (= 3.83) 2. Atthanyata promotes understanding of democratic principles among local people. At a high level ( = 3.83) 3. Attanutata promotes citizenship and good governance. at a high level ( = 3.55) At a high level ( = 3.52) 5. Kanyuta promotes awareness of changes in the economy and society. at a moderate level ( = 3.36). at a moderate level ( = 3.49). At a high level ( = 3.61) 6. Parisyuta promotes public participation. at a moderate level ( = 3.49). 7. Puklanyuta promotes respect for the rights and liberties of other people. At a high level ( = 3.61)
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