Evaluation of reading promotion project of Phetchaburi Provincial Public Library for basic education students of Mueang Phetchaburi District Non-formal and Informal Education Center in Phetchaburi Province

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Donaya Yaempo


The objectives :1) the overall aspect of the reading promotion project of Phetchaburi Provincial Public Library for basic education students of Mueang Phetchaburi District Non-formal and Informal Education Center (NIEC), Phetchaburi Province, 2) the context of the reading promotion project of Phetchaburi Provincial Public Library for basic education students of Mueang Phetchaburi District NIEC, Phetchaburi Province, 3) the input of the reading promotion project of Phetchaburi Provincial Public Library for basic education students of Mueang Phetchaburi District NIEC, Phetchaburi Province, 4) process of the reading promotion project of Phetchaburi Provincial Public Library for basic education students of Mueang Phetchaburi District NIEC, Phetchaburi Province, 5) the product of the reading promotion project of Phetchaburi Provincial Public Library for basic education students of Mueang Phetchaburi District NIEC, Phetchaburi Province, 6) the satisfaction of those involved in the reading promotion project of Phetchaburi Provincial Public Library for basic education students of Mueang Phetchaburi District NIEC, Phetchaburi Province. The population, totaling 2017 persons, consisted of: 1) 30 NIE teachers, 2) 2 librarians, 3) 9 school committees, and 4) 2,030 students. The 374 samples, selected by using purposive sampling method, consisted of: 1) 30 NIE teachers, 2) 2 librarians, 3) 7 school committees, and 4) 335 NIEC students, The sample size were determined by using Taro Yamané’s formula. The 4 sets of questionnaire were the tools used in the evaluation of the reading promotion project of Phetchaburi Provincial Public Library for basic education students of Mueang Phetchaburi District NIEC, Phetchaburi Province. The data were analyzed by using percentage, mean (), and standard deviation (S.D.).

               The research results were as follows:

  1. The result of evaluation of the reading promotion project of Phetchaburi Provincial Public Library for basic education students of Mueang Phetchaburi District Non-formal and Informal Education Center (NIEC), Phetchaburi Province, was overall at a high level (= 4.26, S.D.=0.25).

  2. The result of evaluation of the opinion on the context of the reading promotion project of Phetchaburi Provincial Public Library for basic education students of Mueang Phetchaburi District NIEC, Phetchaburi Province, was overall at the highest level (= 4.63, S.D.=0.15).

  3. The result of evaluation of the opinion on the input of the reading promotion project of Phetchaburi Provincial Public Library for basic education students of Mueang Phetchaburi District NIEC, Phetchaburi Province, was overall at a high level (= 4.14, S.D.=0.44).

  4. The result of evaluation of the opinion on the process of the reading promotion project of Phetchaburi Provincial Public Library for basic education students of Mueang Phetchaburi District NIEC, Phetchaburi Province, was overall at a high level (= 3.86, S.D.=0.45).

  5. The result of evaluation on the questionnaire respondents, namely NIE teachers, librarians, and school committees, on the reading promotion project of Phetchaburi Provincial Public Library for basic education students of Mueang Phetchaburi District NIEC, Phetchaburi Province, was overall at a high level (= 4.15, S.D.=0.41).

              5.1 For the questionnaire respondents of student group, the product of the reading promotion project of Phetchaburi Provincial Public Library for basic education students of Mueang Phetchaburi District NIEC, Phetchaburi Province, was overall at the highest level (= 4.52, S.D.=0.49).

              6) The result of satisfaction aspect evaluation on the reading promotion project of Phetchaburi Provincial Public Library for basic education students of Mueang Phetchaburi District NIEC, Phetchaburi Province, was at a high level (= 4.15, S.D.=0.41).

              6.1 For the questionnaire respondents of student group, the product of the reading promotion project of Phetchaburi Provincial Public Library for basic education students of Mueang Phetchaburi District NIEC, Phetchaburi Province, was overall at the highest level (= 4.52, S.D.=0.49).

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How to Cite
Yaempo, D. (2023). Evaluation of reading promotion project of Phetchaburi Provincial Public Library for basic education students of Mueang Phetchaburi District Non-formal and Informal Education Center in Phetchaburi Province. Journal of MCU Phetchaburi Review, 6(1), หน้า 1–17. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JPR/article/view/264052
Research Articles


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