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Mali Thipprajong
Apichaya Ruechai


Computers are essential in creating, developing, and driving the use of technology media in the world of change and learning in the era that has set with industrial systems and innovations of creativity and further development in the current world The computer era is divided into 5 periods as follows: is the invention of the computer that is not a calculator by Mouthlee and Eckert, Season 2 Transistors are introduced. Used in the computer, making the machine smaller and increasing the efficiency of work to be faster and more accurate. The third generation of computers in this era started after only 5 years of using transistors because of integrated circuits. Or abbreviated as "IC" (IC), the 4th generation is the era that brings semiconductors to create a very high-capacity integrated circuit. Which can shorten many ordinary ICs into the same course and invention microprocessor (Microprocessor) up, making the machine smaller, cheaper, and can work very high and fast. Working on a computer system and the convenience of using a computer has been developed to create a small portable computer. Used in this era, the VLSI device development project is easy to use. and have higher abilities.

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How to Cite
Thipprajong, M. ., & Ruechai, A. . (2021). EVOLUTION OF COMPUTERS. Journal of MCU Phetchaburi Review, 2(1), 1–19. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JPR/article/view/253234
Academic Article


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