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Anucha Bhalakula
Dawnapa Kettong


          The objectives of this article were to analyze the impact of new threats in Phetchaburi Province. Prevention guidelines and troubleshooting using integrated research methods from the study of documents, thesis, research reports, textbooks, academic documents, journals and related sources. There were 26 key informants/person, a group discussion of 10 people, and a questionnaire of 206 sets. The results showed that 1) the threat to politics and governance was conflict of interest. between conservation groups and development groups but can negotiate at the local level by providing opportunities for villagers in each locality to participate; 2) economic threats such as poverty, that is, farmers are exploited by various means; from middlemen and capitalists Should be solved by government projects, such as projects to solve the problem of informal debt. food solution project Sustainable Thai Niyom Project infrastructure Water and Transportation Management System by transforming the policy into more effective practice. 3) Social and cultural threats such as drugs (traders/distributors), information technology. (Mobile phones/modern communication devices) 4) Threats to natural resources and the environment such as forest burning, urban waste problems. and public invasion Because it is a pollutant and destroys the harsh environment. The solution is to build a strong community. Management according to the principles of good governance and effective law enforcement; and 5) epidemic threats, including emerging and re-emerging problems, especially the spread of the COVID-19 virus Which enters the third wave of Thailand, which tends to have an increasing number of addicts. The vaccine has yet to be truly reassuring.

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How to Cite
Bhalakula, A. ., & Kettong , . D. . (2021). NON-TRADITIONAL THREATS IN PHETCHABURI. Journal of MCU Phetchaburi Review, 4(1), 45–58. retrieved from
Research Articles


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