Developing a legal knowledge curriculum to promote public media literacy


  • Kanyamon Kanchanathaveekul Nation University
  • Thanapat Patchim School of Law and Politics, Suan Dusit University
  • Sorasak Mungsin School of Law and Politics, Suan Dusit University
  • Kanvisa Sukhabaij School of Law and Politics, Suan Dusit University


Curriculum development, Media literacy, Media law


This research aims to develop a legal knowledge curriculum to promote media literacy among the public and to evaluate the effectiveness of the curriculum. A mixed-method research approach was employed, integrating qualitative and quantitative methods within a participatory action research framework. The research process consisted of four phases: planning, action, development, and reflection. The findings revealed that the development of the legal knowledge curriculum to promote media literacy was appropriate and coherent in all aspects. The curriculum comprised four modules: Module 1 - Media Literacy, Module 2 - Consumer Rights and Media Laws, Module 3 - Media Laws and Ethics, and Module 4 - Public Participation in Media. After implementing the curriculum through training sessions provided to 10 community-based organizations, the evaluation results showed that the average pre-training scores across all organizations were lower than the post-training scores. A statistical t-test indicated that the post-training scores were significantly higher than the pre-training scores at the significance level of 0.05.


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How to Cite

Kanchanathaveekul, . K., Patchim, T., Mungsin, S., & Sukhabaij, K. (2024). Developing a legal knowledge curriculum to promote public media literacy. Journal of Law and Political Affairs, 2(2), 43–55. retrieved from