Management of strong sub-districts cooperative through participatory communication


  • Akkachai Trakarnsart Sukhothai Thammathirat
  • Karn Boonsiri Sukhothai Thammathirat
  • Wittayatorn Tokeaw Sukhothai Thammathirat


Management of strong sub-districts, strong sub-districts cooperative, participatory communication


A sub-district is an area that is diverse in terms of physical dimensions, way of life, culture, and others. It has four organizational components called Chatupalang, which means that the sub-district is managed under 4 main mechanisms, namely the regional administrative mechanism, local government administration mechanisms, civil society mechanisms and cooperation mechanisms from other agencies, which can be assembled into Sub-district self-management system in the form of governance by partnerships and joining synergy to integrate work into a strong sub-district system to achieve sustainable development goals. The objective of this academic article is to point out the importance of managing strong subdistricts in partnership with participatory communication and to develop proposals for the development of strong subdistricts using participatory communication as an important tool. To support national development according to the national strategy and national reform plan that emphasizes integrated and sustainable development. Participatory communication places importance on the reactions of the receivers from the process of joint thinking, joint decision making, joint action, and joint benefits. It is also an important mechanism for promoting the development of sustainable community through communication between the project working group and project members, communication between working groups and between members.          


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How to Cite

Trakarnsart, A., Boonsiri, K., & Tokeaw, W. (2024). Management of strong sub-districts cooperative through participatory communication. Journal of Law and Political Affairs, 2(2), 63–75. retrieved from