The Application of the International Labor Organization Convention on the Rehabilitation of Vocational Training and Employment of Persons with Disabilities: The Policy Implementation and the Derived Theoretical Propositions from the Research


  • Chokchai Suttawet Huachiew Chalermprokiet University
  • Pakkanan Pattaranawig Thai MediaFund,Thailand
  • Aree Phasansinthuwong Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University


international labour standards, convention implementation, employment, persons with disabilities, theoretical proposition



The research was aimed at two main objectives: (1) to study the situation and analyze the implementation of Convention No. 159 on the Rehabilitation of Vocational Training and Employment (Persons with Disabilities), 1983 in Thailand, both in terms of law and the implementation of government agencies, and (2) to provide suggestions on approaches to improve Thailand's implementation of the ratified international convention as the international law in the future. The research team approached the policy research and qualitative research by employing methods of documentary study, in-depth personal interview, and organizing a group discussion with representatives of relevant units, both the public and private sectors.

The results of the study informed that the operations of the Thai government agencies in terms of policies, laws, and various plans were consistent with every article of the labour standard according to the Convention No. 159, and covered all issues of the Convention’s articles that the Expert Committee on the Implementation of the Convention and its Recommendations (CEACR) of the International Labour Organization has directly requested for the Thai government to proceed further, in order for the Thai government to implement the standards as best as possible. The information obtained from the research can explain the well fundamental implementation of the Convention by Thailand’s government. But there were operational problems, such as cooperation rigidity among social partners, about the limitations on government resources provided to agencies such as budgets, personnel, including annual data from various agencies that have not yet been jointly designed. Ten theoretical propositions, specifically for the application of the international labour standards arena, are proposed after proving a set of hypotheses. Besides, it should be improved on the governance system for storing-joint diversified information among various government agencies. Not only a reporting to the International Labor Organization, the Thai Government should as well report the results of various operations to the other relevant national organizations. In addition, there should also be on-site inspections of compliance by representatives or officials of the International Labour Organization.


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How to Cite

Suttawet, C., Pattaranawig, P., & Phasansinthuwong, A. (2024). The Application of the International Labor Organization Convention on the Rehabilitation of Vocational Training and Employment of Persons with Disabilities: The Policy Implementation and the Derived Theoretical Propositions from the Research. Journal of Law and Political Affairs, 2(2), 29–42. retrieved from