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The research article evaluating the project to drive Active Learning activities into primary school classrooms at Pathum Thani Municipality School had the objectives as follows: 1) to study the guidelines for organizing teaching and learning using Active Learning activities at the primary level of Pathum Thani Municipality School 2) to study the results of a project to organize Active Learning activities in classrooms at the primary level, Pathum Thani Municipality School. 3) to evaluate the project to drive Active Learning activities to classrooms at the primary level, Pathum Thani Municipality School in 4 areas: environmental, basically factors, process, and productivity, 4) to assess the satisfaction of project participants to drive Active Learning activities to classrooms at the primary level, Pathum Thani Municipality School. It was qualitative research type of Evaluation Research using the CIPP evaluation format. The evaluator proceeded sequence as follows: Step 1; Study of teaching and learning guidelines using Active Learning activities at the primary level, Pathum Thani Municipality School. Step 2 Implementation of the Active Learning Activities Project to Classrooms at the Primary Level, Pathum Thani Municipality School. Step 3 Evaluation of the project to drive Active Learning activities into classrooms at the primary level, Pathum Thani Municipality School 4 areas: environmental, basically factors, process, and productivity. Step 4: assessing the satisfaction of project participants to drive Active Learning activities into classrooms at the primary level, Pathum Thani Municipality School. The research results were as follows: 1) Guidelines for teaching and learning using Active Learning activities at the primary level of Pathum Thani Municipality School, included preparation before organizing study, evaluating learning results, results of organizing Active Learning activities into the classroom, it was found that this could solve the learning management problem of teachers and students and received benefit from Active Learning activities. 2) The results of the evaluation of the project to drive Active Learning activities into classrooms of primary school at Pathum Thani Municipality School in 4 areas: environment, basically factors, process, and productivity. It was found that the results of the environmental assessment of the project drive Active Learning activities to primary school into classrooms at Pathum Thani Municipality School in overall, the opinions of teachers and directors of basic education institutions were at a high level. The evaluation results of preliminary factors in the project to drive Active Learning activities into primary school into classrooms at Pathum Thani Municipality School by teachers and directors of basic educational institutions in overall, the opinions were at a high level. The evaluation results of the process of the project to drive Active Learning activities into primary school into classrooms at Pathum Thani Municipality School by teachers in overall, the basic education institution committee and parents' opinions were at a high level. The evaluation result of the project to drive Active Learning activities into primary school classrooms at Pathum Thani Municipality School by teachers in overall, the opinions of the basic education institution committee members, parents, and students were at a high level. The evaluation results of the satisfaction of participants in the project to drive Active Learning activities to classrooms at the primary level at Pathum Thani Municipality School found that the satisfaction of those involved in the project to drive Active Learning activities to classrooms at the primary level, Pathum Thani Municipality School in overall, the opinions were at a high level.
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บทความที่ส่งมาขอรับการตีพิมพ์ในวารสารบวรสหการศึกษาและมนุษยสังคมศาสตร์ จะต้องไม่เคยตีพิมพ์หรืออยู่ระหว่างการพิจารณาจากผู้ทรงคุณวุฒิเพื่อตีพิมพ์ในวารสารอื่น รวมทั้งผู้เขียนจะต้องคำนึงถึงจริยธรรมการวิจัย ไม่ละเมิดหรือคัดลอกผลงานของผู้อื่นมาเป็นของตนเอง ซึ่งทางวารสารฯ ได้กำหนดความซ้ำของผลงาน ด้วยโปรแกรม CopyCat เว็บ Thaijo ในระดับ ไม่เกิน 25%
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