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Todsapol Pakdeelon
Phramaha Udorn Uttaro
Winai Tongmun


The objectives of this research article were 1) to study the implementation of the guidelines for enhancing the results of the Ordinary National Educational Test (O-NET) of secondary schools in Saraburi Province 2) to compare teachers’ opinions on the implementation of the guidelines for enhancing the results of the Ordinary National Educational Test (O-NET) of secondary schools in Saraburi Province according to personal factors and, 3) to propose a guideline for enhancing the results of the Ordinary National Educational Test (O-NET) according to the Four Noble Truths. It is a mixed methods research. It consists of two research steps as follows: 1. Studying and comparing teachers' opinions regarding the implementation of guidelines for enhancing the results of the Ordinary National Education Test (O-NET) of secondary schools in Saraburi Province. 2. Proposing guidelines for enhancing the results of the Ordinary National Education Test (O-NET) according to the Four Noble Truths. The results of this research showed that 1) Teachers’ opinions on the implementation of the guidelines for enhancing the results of the Ordinary National Educational Test (O-NET) of secondary schools in Saraburi Province were overall at a high level. 2) The comparative results of the hypothesis testing approach the guidelines for enhancing the results of the Ordinary National Educational Test (O-NET) according to the Four Noble Truths of secondary schools in Saraburi Province, it was found that (1) teachers of different genders had opinions on the implementation of the guidelines for enhancing the results of the Ordinary National Educational Test (O-NET) of secondary schools in Saraburi Province as a whole did not differ, (2) the opinions of teachers of different age groups on the implementation of the guidelines for enhancing the results of the Ordinary National Educational Test (O-NET) of secondary schools in Saraburi Province were statistically significantly different level of .05, (3) the opinions of teachers of different educational levels on the implementation of the guidelines for enhancing the results of the Ordinary National Educational Test (O-NET) of secondary schools in Saraburi Province as a whole did not differ, (4) the opinions of teachers of different professional experience on the implementation of the guidelines for enhancing the results of the Ordinary National Educational Test (O-NET) of secondary schools in Saraburi Province as a whole did not differ. 3) The guidelines for enhancing the results of the Ordinary National Educational Test (O-NET) according to the Four Noble Truths of secondary schools in Saraburi Province, consisting of the following five approaches : (1) management, (2) quality development of teacher, (3) quality development of students, (4) effective internal and external supervision and (5) participation of school committees, parents, communities and networks.

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How to Cite
Pakdeelon , T. ., Uttaro, P. U., & Tongmun, W. (2024). THE GUIDELINES FOR ENHANCING THE ORDINARY NATIONAL EDUCATIONAL TEST (O-NET) BASED ON THE FOUR NOBLE TRUTHS OF SECONDARY SCHOOLS OF SARABURI PROVINCE. Journal of Bovorn Multi-Education and Human Social Sciences ( JOB_EHS ), 5(1), 288–300. retrieved from
Research Article


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