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Phramaha Pipat Watthanasiri
Padet Jongsakulsiri


The objectives of this research article were: 1) to study the condition of Phrapariyattidham School management in Pali Department of Sangha in Nakhon Pathom Province , 2) to study the management guidelines in situation of Corona Virus Epidemic 2019 according to Buddhist Principle of Phrapariyattidham School, Pali Department of Sangha in Nakhon Pathom Province, and 3) to propose the guidelines for management guidelines in situation of Corona Virus Epidemic 2019 according to Buddhist Principle of Phrapariyattidham School, Pali Department of Sangha in Nakhon Pathom Province. The mixed research methods were used in the study. It was between quantitative and qualitative research. The sample group was 165 administrators and teachers in the school and the analytical statistics were percentage, mean and standard deviation. The qualitative data were collected by interviews with administrators and teachers in Phrapariyattidham School, Pali Department, Nakhon Pathom Province. The results of the study showed that: 1) The condition of Phrapariyattidham School management in Pali Department of Sangha in Nakhon Pathom Province in overall was at a high level. 2) The management guidelines in situation of Corona Virus Epidemic 2019 according to Buddhist Principle of Phrapariyattidham School, Pali Department of Sangha in Nakhon Pathom Province, it was found that in the aspect of planning, there was an annual meeting according to the agenda every academic year, which could be attended together via online channels. In terms of implementation, the resolutions of the meeting were used as guidelines for operations to produce results as expected by the executives. In terms of operational inspections, results of operations, problems and obstacles encountered were reported. In terms of improvement, administrators and teachers had studied problems and obstacles and set strategies in order to build on good things and improve things that need to be further developed. 3) The management guidelines in situation of Corona Virus Epidemic 2019 according to Buddhist Principle of Phrapariyattidham School, Pali Department of Sangha in Nakhon Pathom Province,  as it was an integration of Buddhist principles, namely 7 Aparih niyadhamma principle, in management in the situation of the spread of the coronavirus 2019, consisting of (1) planning, teachers and administrators must plan operations according to the agenda every academic year, respect and behave according to the rules of the meeting, planning work according to the rules or patterns set by the senior monks administrators before creating a resolution that was a practice guideline which was appropriate to the context, transparent and verifying and meet the needs of administrators, teachers, and students as appropriate. (2) In terms of implementation, the teachers had worked by bringing the meeting resolutions into concrete action. (3) In terms of performance inspection, the teachers and administrators had been friends with each other, and directly reported the guidelines, problems and obstacles including listening to students’ opinions in order to improve and report to the meeting. (4) Regarding improvement, the teachers listened to opinions from administrators and other teachers at the meeting and proceeded to revise the work planning accordingly.

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How to Cite
Watthanasiri, P. P. ., Phakhrukittiyanawisit, & Jongsakulsiri, P. . (2024). MANAGEMENT GUIDELINES IN SITUATION OF CORONA VIRUS EPIDEMIC 2019 ACCORDING TO BUDDHIST PRINCIPLE OF PHRAPARIYATTIDHAM SCHOOL, PALI DEPARTMENT, SANGHA COUNCIL, NAKHON PATHOM PROVINCE. Journal of Bovorn Multi-Education and Human Social Sciences ( JOB_EHS ), 5(1), 1–14. retrieved from
Research Article


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