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Sakorn Harntrue
Phrakhru Wisutthanantakhun
Phramaha Kangwal Dhiradhammo


The objectives of this research article were 1) to study the level of people’s living in accordance with the 5 Precepts in Ban Nong Bua Hing, Paktho District, Ratchaburi Province, 2) to compare the people’s living in accordance with the 5 Precepts in Ban Nong Bua Hing, Paktho District, Ratchaburi Province by classifying according to personal factors and 3) to study problems, obstacles and suggestions of people’s living in accordance with the 5 Precepts in Ban Nong Bua Hing, Paktho District, Ratchaburi Province. The research methodology was a mixed method research. In part of the quantitative research, a questionnaire was used as a tool to collect field data from 318 people who were over 18 years old and domiciled in Ban Nong Bua Hing, Paktho District, Ratchaburi Province. The data were analyzed by finding frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, hypothesis testing by t-test, F-test, and one-way ANOVA. In part of qualitative research, document analysis and the interview form were used as the tools for collecting field data from 9 key informants and analyzing the data with contextual content analysis techniques. The results showed that; 1) The level of people’s living in accordance with the 5 Precepts in Ban Nong Bua Hing, Paktho District, Ratchaburi Province, in general was at the highest level and when considering individually, it was high level in all 5 aspects, namely, property security, health security, family security, life security and social security, respectively. 2) The comparative results of the people’s living in accordance with the 5 Precepts in Ban Nong Bua Hing, Paktho District, Ratchaburi Province by classifying according to personal factors, it was found that personal factors such as age and income had the living in accordance with the 5 precepts of people in Ban Nong Bua Hing, Paktho District, Ratchaburi Province, they were significantly different at 0.01. As for gender, education and career had the living in accordance with the 5 precepts of people in Ban Nong Bua Hing, Paktho District, Ratchaburi Province was no difference. 3) The problems and obstacles included killing animals in terms of livelihood, some raising pigs to kill, fishing, but it was done for food, animal oppression due to traditions such as cockfighting, cow yard, leading to generation after generation, family problems caused by lack of attention, not foreseen the consequences if one's own family and others break up, lack of restraint, most importantly, not to think about the consequences, most of them were young,  drug problem among young people was still a major problem that had a very negative effect on the community, causing many problems, especially crime. The suggestions, for example, encourage people in the community to live according to the 5 precepts by creating cooperation as a network, creating various projects for the community, whether it was the community itself, temples and schools to promote knowledge and understanding of practices according to the 5 precepts, for example, promoting the benevolence to community members, refraining from harming living beings, nature and the environment through various community activities such as local development activities in various fields, temples were leaders in organizing religious activities organize Dhamma practice activities during Buddhist holy days or important holidays such as Father's Day, Mother's Day, and Vesak Day as an opportunity for people in the community to study and understand the precepts, there may be an emphasis on activities in listening to sermons, there should be lectures explaining the principles of life insurance practices to make it easier for people to understand and expand on concrete views, emphasizing on building an understanding of how to lead a self-sufficient life for people in the community to create love and contentment in their own things.

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How to Cite
Harntrue, S., Phrakhru Wisutthanantakhun, & Dhiradhammo, P. K. . (2024). PEOPLE’S LIVING IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE 5 PRECEPTS IN PAKTHO DISTRICT, RATCHABURI PROVINCE. Journal of Bovorn Multi-Education and Human Social Sciences ( JOB_EHS ), 5(1), 166–181. retrieved from
Research Article


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