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Chanidapha Phrommi


This article proposes the development of an integrated curriculum based on the Four Noble Truths, in which the curriculum development is a project plan that specifies the objectives, content of learning management activities, measurement and evaluation in advance in a structured way as a guideline for teachers and administrators in learning management for learners to learn and develop in all aspects by integrating the development of the curriculum with the Four Noble Truths, which are the four noble truths of the Buddha's teachings, consisting of Step 1 Dukkha, the suffering level, the determination of the problem. It is a requirement to know the problem conditions in curriculum development that do not go as planned, causing problems, so one should not be careless and must be ready to face the problems; Step 2 Samudaya, it defines the causes that cause problems in the development of the curriculum, which have different causes for the development of the curriculum according to the plan; Step 3Nirodha, setting goals, it is the end of the problems arising from the curriculum development with a purpose that needs to be achieved and is the achievement of the benefits gained from the curriculum development; and Step 4 Magga, it is a formulation of practical methods and seeking solutions to curriculum development problems in educational institutions in order to eliminate problems and obstacles to achieve curriculum development goals.

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How to Cite
Phrommi, C. (2023). DEVELOPMENT OF AN INTEGRATED CURRICULUM BASED ON THE FOUR NOBLE TRUTHS. Journal of Bovorn Multi-Education and Human Social Sciences ( JOB_EHS ), 4(1), 38–45. retrieved from
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