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Suwanna Sudpruk
Phramaha Yannawat Thitavaddhano
Lampong Klomkul


This research article aimed to present the Buddhist self-defense mechanism of educational institute administrators. The research methodology consisted of document analysis and interviews with 12 key informants who were academics in the field of Buddhist education administration and experts in educational administration by selecting a specific method and analyzed the data with content analysis. The results showed that Buddhist self-defense mechanism of educational institute administrators was combined with Satipaṭṭhana 4 and self-defense mechanism to maintain the state of the body, speech and mind to be in perfect holistic state. There were 3 important principles and virtues for educational institution administrators: 1) good role models, administrators could perform their duties perfectly, knowledgeable, leadership and could be a role model for others in terms of behavior and performance, 2) good conduct in word, being an eloquent executives, not a lie, communicate with polite words, not using slanderous words, 3) having a public mind, executives had a good conscience in knowing their duties, responsibility sacrificed for the common good.

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How to Cite
Sudpruk, S., Thitavaddhano, P. Y., & Klomkul, L. (2022). BUDDHIST SELF-DEFENSE MECHANISM OF EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE ADMINISTRATORS. Journal of Bovorn Multi-Education and Human Social Sciences ( JOB_EHS ), 2(1), 25–31. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JOB_EHS/article/view/258813
Research Article


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