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Pemiga Suksamran


The promoting methods for the reduction of students' aggression behavior according to the Buddha-Dhamma principles was Buddhist practiceing in managing domestic violence by considering thoroughly at the individual level, group of people and society in all relevant dimensions. The dimension of protection against violence either never occurred or already occurred that should prevent it from happening again in the future, the dimensions of correction, once violence had occurred, would be mitigated, including the dimension of healing when violence occurred. Methods to reduce students’ aggression behavior according to the Buddha-Dhamma principle, Trisikkha : 1) Sila , a practice for practicing physical, verbal, discipline, law, rules, and being unity to reduce conflicts caused by quarrels, responsibility practicing for performing duties, parents should avoid harsh punishment and should talk to children with love but not indulging, not controlling or strictly with children too much and  used positive reinforcement instead when children behaved well, 2) Samathi, a tool to strengthen your mind to know yourself better, suppressing anger that would lead to further aggressive behavior, teachers were a good role model of emotional regulation and anger management, 3) Pañña , a method that was used as a tool for living, the teachers trained the children to do various activities, controled watching television programs and playing games appropriately in order to enable students to learn analytical thinking and decision-making skills in solving unwanted behaviors that would affect their way of life and leading to the cessation of their aggressive behavior in the future.

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How to Cite
Suksamran, P. (2022). PROMOTING METHODS FOR THE REDUCTION OF STUDENTS’ AGGRESSION BEHAVIOR ACCORDING TO THE BUDDHA-DHAMMA PRINCIPLES. Journal of Bovorn Multi-Education and Human Social Sciences ( JOB_EHS ), 3(1), 50–62. retrieved from
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