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This article aims to examine the language structure of Chinese expressions appearing in Journey to the West and the figurative language of Chinese expressions in Journey to the West using a qualitative approach. The expressions were chengyu expressions appearing in Journey to the West, penned by Wu Cheng'en 11th edition, July 2013. There were 100 chapters with 1,162 pages. The research tools were 1) A Chinese-Thai dictionary, 2) The Ocean of Chinese Words dictionary, 3) The full Chinese idiomatic phrase dictionary, and 4) A table showing the meaning and classification of the language structure and figurative language of Chinese expressions in Journey to the West. Statistics used for the research and analysis were percentage and frequency, and document analysis was done using the content analysis technique. The analytical result was that there were 653 chengyu expressions in Journey to the West that could be divided into six groups. The most common group was the parallel type with 394 expressions or 60.34%, followed by the subject-verb with 102 expressions, or 15.62%. Regarding the most common figurative language in Journey to the West, the antithesis was the most common type with 238 expressions or 36.45%, followed by metaphor with 217 expressions or 33.23%.
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