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Akkachai Trakarnsar
Karn Boonsiri
Wittayatorn Tokeaw


This academic article aims to present participatory communication for sustainable development with community as the core. From the synthesis of research on communication to create participation in driving the community organization council, it was found that for sustainable development, people must participate in the process of thinking, deciding, implementing, and jointly benefiting from that development, with participatory communication as an important tool from the stage of sending information related to development and budget from the sender, which is government officials, community leaders, private sector partners and the public sector, to the people in the area by two-way communication, meaning the sender and receiver can freely exchange information through communication channels including personal media, print media and social media. This article presents a perspective on communication and public participation in the sustainable development process, which are like shadows of each other. Communication is a mechanism to create knowledge, understanding, and the necessity of sustainable development, which is the core of the community’s shared identity, creating bonds and joint social actions for the goal of developing quality of life with the community as the core. Focusing on participatory communication processes at every stage of development will help stimulate and provide opportunities for everyone in the community to participate in thinking, finding problems, and jointly determining solutions that truly meet their needs. It is a guideline for developing the potential of the community to have good management, which will lead to developing quality of life and creating communities that live together sustainably in the future.

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How to Cite
Trakarnsar, A. ., Boonsiri, K. ., & Tokeaw, W. . (2025). PARTICIPATORY COMMUNICATI FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT WITH COMMUNITIES AT ITS CORE. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 12(1), 215–226. retrieved from
Academic Article


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