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Lin Anqi
Niran Suteeniran
Pachara Dejhome
Sarayut Setkajorn
Jittawisut Wimuttipanya


This research aimed were to 1) Study the current situation of spatial resource management in higher education institutions in China, and 2) Propose guidelines for the development of spatial resource management in higher education institutions in China with Mixed Medthod Research. It consisted of 4 issues: 1) Geography, 2) Level of local economic development, 3) Level of higher education development, and 4) Society Level of resource development. The population of this research was 513 university executives. The research instruments were document analysis, questionnaires, structured interviews, and evaluation forms. The statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The results of the research found that the current situation affecting spatial resource management in higher education institutions in China in all 4 aspects was at a high level. When considering the results of the research in this aspect from highest to lowest level, they were as follows: the highest level was the level of development of higher education, followed by the level of local economic development, the level of social resource development, and the lowest level of geography. Guidelines for spatial resource management in higher education institutions In China, China covers 4 issues, with 40 measures: 10 measures of geographical support, 11 measures of local economic development level, 10 measures of higher education development level, 9 measures of social resource development level. The results of the assessment of the adaptability and feasibility of the approach to improving the allocation of higher education resources in China are guidelines for enhancing the human resource capacity of public universities in Guangxi, with the main goal of developing organizations to the standard of maximum resource utilization and promoting the upgrade of human resource development for sustainable development.

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How to Cite
Anqi, L. ., Suteeniran, N. ., Dejhome, P. ., Setkajorn, S. ., & Wimuttipanya, J. . (2024). GUIDELINES FOR DEVELOPING THE SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION OF RESOURCES IN HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS IN CHINA. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 11(12), 130–138. retrieved from
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