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Sorada Pahuwattanakorn
Jamnean Joungtrakul
Trakul Chitwattanakorn


This article presents concepts related to human capital and strategies for human capital development in business organizations, particularly in the context of Marketing 5.0, where technology plays a crucial role in enhancing organizational capabilities and competitiveness. Human capital is considered a key resource that contributes to adding value and productivity within organizations and supports long-term economic sustainability. Modern marketing emphasizes the use of digital technology to improve efficiency in reaching customers, which requires employees with advanced digital and information skills. Organizations must invest in developing employees' knowledge and skills to meet the rapidly changing customer demands in the 5.0 era. Human capital development strategies within organizations include training, further education, coaching, job rotation, and participation in professional activities, all aimed at enhancing employees' capabilities and boosting organizational potential to adapt to market changes. Human capital also connects with other forms of capital, such as structural capital, social capital, and intellectual capital, which collectively support organizational operations effectively. The new insight from this article is the integration of human capital and digital technology in creating sustainable strategies. Organizations should integrate tangible resources, such as financial and structural capital, with intangible resources, like human and intellectual capital. Investing in human capital to enhance employees' potential through skill development and creating a learning and innovation-friendly environment is crucial for organizations aiming to strengthen sustainability and competitive advantage.

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How to Cite
Pahuwattanakorn, S. ., Joungtrakul, J. ., & Chitwattanakorn, T. . (2025). HUMAN CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT AND 5.0 ERA MARKETING. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 12(1), 1–13. retrieved from
Academic Article


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