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This article aims to study the strategic planning approach of local administrative organizations. It is a systematic decision-making process in using limited resources, including the determination of implementation steps to achieve the set goals for the benefit of the public or the public. It consists of 1) Strategic environment analysis, which is the analysis of the internal environment and the external environment. 2) Organizational direction arrangement, which is the determination of vision, mission, organizational goals, objectives, organizational performance indicators, and strategy determination. 3) Strategic plan preparation is the process of making the established strategy concrete and practical, which will lead to the achievement of the organization's vision, mission, and goals. The strategic plan consists of analyzing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and obstacles, determining strategic issues, determining objectives for each strategic issue together with responsible agencies and supporting agencies, determining organizational and departmental performance indicators, determining tactics or plans for implementation, setting goals for each activity together with performance indicators at the operational plan level. The development goals focus on enhancing the country's potential in various dimensions based on 3 concepts: 1) Building on the past by looking back to the economic roots, cultural identity, traditions and lifestyles, and natural resource highlights. 2) Adjusting the present to pave the way for the future. Through the development of the country's infrastructure in the dimensions of transportation systems, science, technology and digital infrastructure, and adjusting the environment to support industrial development and 3) Creating new value in the future, increasing the potential of entrepreneurs, developing new generations, adjusting business models to respond to market demands, combined with supporting strategies.
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