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Wongkot Suwannawat
Usanee Mongkolpitaksuk
Pongthep Chandasuwan


The objectives of this research were to study the correlation between psychological capital, person-organization fit, person-job fit, and job burnout, and also to study the effect of psychological capital on job burnout, the effect of person-organization fit on job burnout, and the effect of person-job fit on job burnout among police officers affiliated with stations of Metropolitan Police Division. This study adopts a quantitative research methodology, with a sample size of 735 Metropolitan police officers. The research instrument used was a questionnaire, which was distributed at a rate of 10 questionnaires per station across 88 stations. Data were analyzed using PLS-SEM technique. The results of the overall estimated model fit assessment indicate a good fit with the data. The findings reveal that the correlation coefficients between psychological capital, person-organization fit, person-job fit, and job burnout are significantly negative. The hypothesis testing results partially support that psychological capital has a significantly negative direct effect on job burnout, and it is accepted that person-organization fit has significantly negative direct effects on job burnout, and also it is accepted that person-job fit has significantly negative direct effects on job burnout. Therefore, it is recommended that administrators should emphasize the importance of psychological capital, person-organization fit, person-job fit, and job burnout, and develop intervention strategies to mitigate job burnout in the workplace.

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Suwannawat, W. ., Mongkolpitaksuk, U. ., & Chandasuwan, P. . (2024). PSYCHOLOGICAL CAPITAL, PERSON-ORGANIZATION FIT, PERSON-JOB FIT, AND JOB BURNOUT OF POLICE AFFILIATED WITH STATIONS OF METROPOLITAN POLICE DIVISION. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 11(10), 284–294. retrieved from
Research Articles


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