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This research aimed to study 1) The components of new academic administration of educational institution administrators. The sample consisted of 128 school directors and deputy directors. The sample size was determined according to the Krejci and Morgan tables using stratified random sampling. The instrument used was a questionnaire. The statistics used were mean and standard deviation, and 2) New academic administration guidelines for school administrators. The group of information providers consisted of 5 school directors with outstanding performance. The instrument used was an interview, with content analysis of the data. The research results found that 1) The components of the new academic administration guidelines of educational institution administrators were overall at a high level ( = 3.83, S.D. = 0.51), when considering each aspect, in conclusion, the aspect of measurement, evaluation and transfer of learning results has the highest average value, the aspect of learning process development, the aspect of educational institution curriculum development, the aspect of educational supervision, the aspect of development and promotion of learning resources, and the aspect with the lowest average value is development and use of educational technology media, and 2) New academic administration guidelines for school administrators include analyzing the school context to determine the vision, mission, goals, strategies, and planning to achieve the objectives by implementing the mission and goals with the systematic management process (PDCA), providing positive reinforcement to the workers, monitoring, inspecting, collecting defects for development, and solving problems that may occur, using the performance results as a guideline for continuous and systematic school development, using the participation process of network partners to develop the quality of academic work according to the educational management standards, using technology and innovation to effectively manage academic work, and using new techniques and methods to measure and evaluate academic work.
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