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The purposes of this study were (1) to study the level of spiritual leadership, job satisfaction, job performance of community relations police under metropolitan police division 1-9, (2) to study the influence of spiritual leadership, job satisfaction, job performance of community relations police under metropolitan police division 1-9, (3) to study the indirect effect of spiritual leadership, mediating job satisfaction toward job performance of community relations police under metropolitan police division 1-9. This research was quantitative research. The samples of this study were 264 community relations police officers under metropolitan police division 1-9, selected by simple random sampling. The research instrument was 6 rating scale questionnaires. The statistics were mean, standard deviation and correlation coefficient. The structural equation modeling (SEM) and path analysis were applied. The research results indicated that the level of spiritual leadership, job satisfaction, job performance of community relations police under metropolitan police division 1-9 were high. Spiritual leadership had the significantly positive effects on job performance of community relations police under metropolitan police division 1-9. Job satisfaction had the significantly positive effects on job performance of community relations police under metropolitan police division 1-9. Spiritual leadership had the significantly positive indirect effect through job satisfaction on job performance of community relations police under metropolitan police division 1-9. The findings had found that job satisfaction had been a good mediator variable. Spiritual leadership had indirect effect through job satisfaction on job performance. Thus, the ways how to increase job performance of employee were enhancing job satisfaction of employee.
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