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Research on life quality affecting employee engagement with Capric (Thailand) Co., Ltd. has the objective of studying the following: 1) to research the life quality of the employees of Capric (Thailand) Co., Ltd. 2) to study the level of engagement of employees towards Capric (Thailand) Co., Ltd. 3) to compare employees' engagement towards Capric (Thailand) Co., Ltd. classified by personal information. 4) to study the quality of employees' lives affecting employee engagement with Capric (Thailand) Co., Ltd. by using 200 questionnaires as a data collection tool and using statistics to analyze the data, namely percentage, mean, hypothesis testing, t-test, F-test (one-way ANOVA), and multiple regression analysis. The study found 1) life quality of employees of Capric (Thailand) Co., Ltd. is overall at a moderate level of importance. 2)Employee engagement towards Capric (Thailand) Co., Ltd. is overall average at a moderate level. 3) Compare employee engagement The differences in personal information regarding gender, age, status, and duration of work do not affect employee commitment. However, the the differences in personal information regarding the level of education, job position, organization, and average monthly income affect employee commitment. 4)Life quality of employee influences employee engagement towards Capric (Thailand) Co., Ltd. in terms of fair remuneration, hygienic and safe environment, opportunity and ability development, security and advancement in work, Democracy in the organization, the balance between work and personal life and considering benefits and social responsibility influences employee engagement toward Capric (Thailand) Co., Ltd. with statistical significance at the 0.05 level.
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