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This cross-sectional survey research has the objectives 1) to study hazardous waste management and participation in household hazardous waste management 2) to study and analyze factors related to people's household hazardous waste management. and 3) to suggest appropriate approaches for managing household hazardous waste on a participatory basis. From a sample of 312 households and 13 people responsible for the environment in the community, data were collected using questionnaires and focus groups. Quantitative data analysis using percentages and averages. For the qualitative data, descriptive data was compiled and Pearson correlation analysis was performed. The results found that household hazardous waste management is at a moderate level (mean is equal to 3.58, S.D is equal to 0.73). Analysis of factors that have a relationship between participation in household hazardous waste management includes 3 aspects as follows: 1) planning r value = 0.54** 2) Analysis of the problem has a value of r = 0.53** 3) Operational value of r = 0.51**, in which all 3 aspects have a positive relationship at a moderate level. By suggesting guidelines for local government organizations Participation in operations should be created for people in the community adequately and regularly. This is for the people and responsible people. Work efficiently In applying the model that has been obtained This model encourages people to be conscious of problems and mutual benefits. The participation of more people allows the results of the research to be expanded. It can be used as a guideline for planning and determining policies for the management of household hazardous waste in communities of local government organizations in the area.
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