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Tanwa Pradamas
Watchara Yeesoontes
Ingorn Thanphan


This research aims to study 1) To study the marketing mix factors in re-purchasing first-class voluntary car insurance in Bangkok. 2) To study the decision to re-purchase first-class voluntary car insurance in Bangkok. 3) To compare the decision to re-purchase insurance. Class 1 voluntary cars in Bangkok Classified according to personal information 4) To study the marketing mix factors affecting the decision to repurchase first-class voluntary car insurance in Bangkok. This is quantitative research by selecting a sample of 400 people using a questionnaire as a tool for the study. Processed using percentage statistics and mean t-test. ANOVA analysis used F-test,
(One-way ANOVA) and Multiple Regression Analysis. The results found that Most are female, aged between 31-35 years, graduated with a bachelor's degree. Occupation: Private company employee Average monthly income 20,001-30,000 baht. Factors in the marketing mix and the decision to repurchase first-class voluntary car insurance in Bangkok. is at a very important level Occupation personal information Average monthly income different It has an effect on repeat purchases of first-class voluntary car insurance in Bangkok. Different Product marketing mix factors Distribution channel Marketing promotion Process aspects and physical characteristics Influences the decision to re-purchase first-class voluntary car insurance in Bangkok. Statistically significant at the .05 level. Suggestions: In terms of price, the company should set insurance premiums to be appropriate for the coverage. There is a discount on insurance premiums for customers with good driving records and customers who use renewal services.

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How to Cite
Pradamas, T., Yeesoontes, W., & Thanphan, I. (2024). DECISION TO RE-PURCHASE FIRST-CLASS VOLUNTARY CAR INSURANCE IN BANGKOK. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 11(5), 38–48. retrieved from
Research Articles


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