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Zeng Jianxi
NIran Suteeniran
Kulsirin Aphiratvoradej
Sarayut Setkajorn
Jittawisut Wimuttipanya


The purpose of this research is to evaluate the ways of using authority of administrators in private universities in Guangxi. The sample of this research is 217 administrators from 6 private universities in Guangxi using random sampling. systematically from private universities with Krejcie and Morgan sampling tables. The experts in evaluating the adaptability and feasibility of the guidelines were seven experienced administrators at a public university in Guangxi. The research tool is questionnaire with confidence at the .96 level. The questionnaire consists of 4 areas: 1) power relations between the central government and local government 2) power relations between government agencies 3) power relations in society and 4) power relations within the university. Statistics for data analysis include percentages, means, standard deviations. and content analysis The results of the research found that the results of the evaluation of the guidelines for using authority of administrators in private universities in Guangxi were found to be at the highest overall level. When considering each aspect, it was found that the greatest was power relations within the university, followed by power relations in society. Power relations between government agencies and the least are the power relations between the central government and the local government, respectively. The power relations of the central government and the local level It arises from the relationship between power between governments. social power relations as well as internal power relations within the university. shows the importance of power Diversity of regulatory disciplines But it also has to do with achieving the goals of a university that serves society. Therefore, we are committed to building a new relationship between universities, government and society that encompasses the organization's management of standardized, systematic leadership.

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How to Cite
Jianxi, Z., Suteeniran, N., Aphiratvoradej, K., Setkajorn, S., & Wimuttipanya, J. (2024). GUIDELINES FOR USING POWER OF ADMINISTRATORS IN PRIVATE UNIVERSITIES IN GUANGXI. Journal of MCU Nakhondhat, 11(4), 41–48. retrieved from
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